Kingdom of God


Kingdom of God is not Meat & Drink, but righteousness, Peace & Joy in the Holy Ghost
-Romans 14:17

Definition: Kingdom of God is where God is King or God rules
When Israelites were saved through the red sea, they acknowledged God as their eternal king (exodus 15:last verse)
But later they asked for a king, when prophet Samuel cried before God, God said they have refused me as the king.
Israel’s history is of total failure of kings & kingdoms.

Jesus Preached Kingdom Of God: Mark 1:14. Jesus Christ came to this world to preach the kingdom of God and make the way for mankind to the kingdom of God.

Democracy: Bible does not teach democracy, it is not God’s way. Bible teaches of Kingdoms, Kings who rule in righteousness. Democracy is a failure & it is the problem of the world. Because in democracy the Cowardly, Unbelievers, the Vile, Murderers, Immorals, Black magicians, Idolaters & the Liar - all have one vote each.

Entry Into kingdom of God:
In Gospel of John chapter 3, Jesus explains the rule for entry into kingdom of God to Nichodemos – Unless a man is born again by spirit & water, He cannot enter the kingdom of God. John 3:16 explains it as the faith in Jesus Christ.
When a person accepts Jesus as Lord (Roman 10:9) he has entered the Kingdom of God.
A born again person should experience Kingdom of God.
Kingdom of God is going to be literally established when Jesus Christ returns to rule.

Experience of Kingdom of God:
(1) It is not Meat or drink – Material things do not give the kingdom experience to believers. It is all temporary sensual & emotional experiences.
(2) But it is Righteousness, Peace & Joy in the Holy Ghost which give the God’s Kingdom Experience.

It means the right standing before God.
We are justified by God through Jesus Christ. Now we should have a right standing before God. Our conscience should not condemn us when we stand before God.
We cannot offend our brother or put a stumbling block before him in anyway (Rom 14;13)
Mat 5:6 Jesus says those who hunger & thirst for righteousness will have a contended Christian life. And those who are persecuted in the cause for righteousness will have the kingdom of God (Mat 5:10)

Peace lovers will experience the kingdom of God.
Mathew 5:9 Jesus says that those who make peace will be known as Children of God. Other way round, children of God should be peace loving. Roman 12:18 says that we should be at peace with all.

Joy in the Holy Ghost:
Bible talks about ‘Joy’ and not ‘Happiness’.
Happiness depends on what is happening around us. But the Joy Bible talks about is through the Holy Spirit which cannot be destroyed by the circumstances.

Seek Ye First The Kingdom Of God:
It is Jesus' promise that If you seek the kingdom of God and its righteousness First, then all these things (food & drink & shelter) will be given to you. (Mathew 6:33)

Believers are to experience Kingdom of God right in this world.
It is through Righteousness, Peace & Joy in the Holy Ghost which we harbor or cultivate in our lives.
Kingdom of God will be literally established at Jesus’ coming, till then, let us experience it.

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